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Welcome to Fertility and Sterility On Air - the podcast where you can stay current on the latest global research in the field of Reproductive Medicine. This podcast brings you an overview of the monthly F&S journal, in depth discussion with authors, and other special features.

Fertility and Sterility On Air is part of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) family of podcasts. Listen to more ASRM podcasts:

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Feb 13, 2022

Take a sneak peak at this month's Fertility & Sterility! Topics this month include updates in male infertility (1:05), ICSI for non-male factor infertility (5:46), sperm quality & absence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA after infection (15:12), examination of dietary parameters and semen parameters in men (21:13), concordance rates of PGT-seq with initial trophectoderm biopsy (31:10), an IVF outcome prediction model (39:24), factors affecting eggs from egg banks vs programmed egg donors (50:48), BCL6 expression and live birth outcomes (60:30) and an SREI report on the gender gap and practice patterns in REI (1:03:40).

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